An SSL security certificate protects you and your customers by encrypting sensitive information
such as credit card numbers and passwords. This means anyone who intercepts this data cannot
read it.
As well as protecting your website data, an SSL boosts your Google Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) ranking. This helps to make your website easier to find using Google.

Here is how to initiate an AutoSSL check from your cPanel account.

Log into your cPanel account and navigate to SSL/TLS Status in the Security section.

Click the domain(s) you'd like to install a SSL on and click Run AutoSSL.

AutoSSL will take a few minutes to finish. When it completes successfully the page will update with
a success notification. 

Panel will automatically poll Comodo for a new SSL. This polling process usually takes a few minutes
but can last up to a day or more (since there are restrictions on the number of requests that can be
made per day). Once it has completed your domain will have a new valid AutoSSL installed.

If more than 36 hours have passed and your AutoSSL is not installed please contact our technical
support team for further assistance.
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