Login into your cPanel.

Scroll down to the Softaculours Apps Installer section and click on the WordPress logo.
This will open a screen with several options,  click on the Install Now button.

Next, you will need to fill out the details of your WordPress installation:

Software Setup

  • Choose the domain: Select the domain name you wish to install WordPress for
  • Directory field: you can specify the root folder for a WordPress installation. By default,
    this field is empty, and it allows installing WordPress on your domain.com directly. If
    you wish to install it to a subfolder, like yourdomain.com/blog, simply type “blog”
    in this field.

Site Settings

  • Site Name: Type in the title of your website which will appear in any search engine.
  • Site Description: Type in the description of your website, will also appear in any
    search engine.
  • Enable Multisite (WPMU): This feature will Enable WordPress Multisite option
    for your WordPress blog. WordPress includes the ability to create a network 
    of sites by using the multisite feature.

Admin Account

In this area, you will need to enter the login details that you’d like to use for your
WordPress admin panel.
Please make sure to use a strong password and a personal email address to which
you have access.

Advanced Options

We advise you to leave the advanced options that are configured by default for the

From this area, you will be able to enable auto updates for your WordPress version,
theme and plugins.

When ready, scroll down and hit the Install button.

In a few moments, you will see the message that WordPress has been successfully

You can now go ahead and log into your WordPress Dashboard to start working on
your website.

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